Media · December 2015

Marin Center Nominated as World Heritage Site

 A group of ten buildings, including the Marin County Civic Center designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, have become the first works of modern architecture nominated by the UNESCO World Heritage List.  The other Wright buildings nominated include Unity Temple, Frederick C. Robie House, Taliesin, Hollyhock House, Fallingwater, Herbert & Katherin Jacobs House, Taliesin West, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, and Price Tower.

The World Heritage List is a list of sites including buildings, cities, complexes, deserts, forests, islands, lakes, monuments, and mountains that are listed by the UNESCO as being of special cultural or physical significance.

Being inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List would put the Marin County Civic Center on an international landscape of significantly important architectural sites and help it to become even more of an object of importance and community pride.
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