Events Calendar · March 2023
The Science and Art of Creating and Protecting Monarch Butterfly Habitats in Marin at Marin Art & Garden Center

Date: Saturday, March 25, 2023
Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Join us for an important opportunity to learn more about local initiatives to support the survival of an iconic species, as part of the exhibition Return of the Western Monarch Butterfly.
Panelists will be Mia Monroe, Audrey Fusco, Ole Schell and Elizabeth Weber, who will discuss their efforts through community science, habitat restoration and preservation, and understanding the migratory cycle of monarchs. They will elaborate on their specific local projects including Ole’s West Marin Monarch Sanctuary and Audrey’s school projects with SPAWN.
You’ll leave with ideas for action you can undertake to make a difference, as well as knowledge and understanding about the importance of native vs tropical milkweed, knowledge of native nectar plants for monarchs and the importance of maintaining overwintering sites for the monarchs’ survival.
Please register in the above website link.