Events Calendar · April 2023
Sound Healing Ceremony at Marin Art & Garden Center
Date: Sunday, April 30, 2023
Time: 10:00am - Noon
The grieving journey is unique to every individual, yet we don’t have to go it alone. This ceremony is to hold space for those grieving any type of loss – a life, a loved one, a relationship, a favored situation. We offer this sound meditation as an invitation to come walk the path of mending together.
At 10:00 am, we invite you to add an object that honors your loss — a flower, a candle, a photo, a poem, a memento — to our communal altar, and to set an intention. At 10:30 am, doors will close and the meditation will begin.
Anderson Pugash, Ellian Raffoul and Dan Dowdell will take you on an intuitive sound journey using a curation of sacred and exotic instruments including crystal bowls, gongs, didgeridoo, flutes, chimes and crystal harps. Grief encompasses a range of emotions, and sound meets you where you are. It can help ease us into states of peace, forgiveness and love. It can also help us process anger, anguish, frustration, sadness and guilt.
After, we’ll share tea and each other’s company. We kindly ask that you not inquire about an attendee’s loss unless they offer it up freely.
The cost is $40 - $50 per person depending on time of booking. Please visit the above website link to purchase tickets.